Thursday, November 25, 2010

30 Things

On Facebook a lot of my friends and family are listing one thing they are thankful for each day this month.  So here are my 30 things I'm thankful for this year in random order. 

I am thankful for....

  • My senses.  To be able to feel, taste, hear, see and touch when so many can't do one or many of these things.
  • Our dog...Zeus.  He may be annoying but he teaches me patience and is so loving and forgiving.
  • Our home.
  • Caitlyn's daycare providers.
  • Having my Jeep paid off this year! 
  • Being able to refinance our house with half the interest rate and half the time!
  • My online friends who have gotten me through some rough times over the past 5 years.  It's awesome to have girls to talk with about things that they understand when it seems no one else does.
  • My real life friends who also listen to me when I need it and keep me occupied (take me out drinking) when I need distracted!
  • My Faith.
  • Pedicures with my sister.
  • Our Freedom in America
  • Our armed forces who help us keep our freedom.
  • My job.
  • Jared's work and that his work has still been plentiful this year.
  • All of our extended family.
  • The 2 vacations that we took this year.
  • Modern medicine because without that we wouldn't have Caitlyn and wouldn't be trying for a brother or sister for Caitlyn.
  • Sports that both Jared and I enjoy talking about and watching together.
  • My marriage and feeling safe and secure in our relationship.
  • My education
  • Caitlyn's opportunities for education
  • Season changes.  Waiting for snow now so Caitlyn can go out and really experience it!  
  • My dad who did a great job raising 3 kids on his own!
  • The love of cooking & baking.
  • The love of hosting parties.
  • Working electricity...enjoying our Christmas tree & Christmas music on my ipod this morning because of this awesome invention.
  • Holiday's and time with family that we don't always have.
  • My sister who gets me.  And has the same likes and hobbies as me so we can spend so much quality time together.
  • Jared.  For being an awesome husband who brings me back to earth and keeps me in check. 
  • Caitlyn.  For being the best daughter a mother could ask for.  Words can't describe how thankful I am for the gifts she brings me everyday! 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

October Festivities

I's November!  I'm behind...what else is new??? 

Fall is my new favorite season!  I used to think spring was my favorite season, but only because I hated winter and couldn't wait for it to be warm again.  But all my favorite holiday's are in the fall.  So it makes sense that would be my favorite season.  It all starts with Jared and Caitlyn's birthday's in September.  Then we have the pumpkin patch and Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas!  It's a wonderful time of year!  I was (and still am) disappointed that I didn't blog about our pumpkin patch adventure last year.  It was one of my favorite memories, so I wanted to be sure that I got it in this year! 

We went to Vala's Pumpkin Patch on a Saturday (Oct 9th).  Last year it was just Caitlyn, Me and Aunt Bethy.  This year Jared really wanted to go with us because it's all I talked about last year!  It's like a mini amusement park!  I don't even buy our pumpkins there...we go for all the other attractions and the picture opportunities!  This year we...

Watched Pig Races

Played on the tractors

Watched the bunnies in their houses

Ate succotash, homemade potato chips and warm chocolate chip cookies

Got Measured

Uncle Josh wrangled a calf

Fed the goats

Went down the big slide

Cuddled with Harrison
Then we rolled into Halloween.  I looked all over for a costume for Caitlyn.  Since she was a sugar plum fairy last year I really wanted something that wasn't fairy / princess like.  I found this super cute girly clown costume.  Jared wasn't sold on it.  He said clowns were creepy.  And I agree SOME clowns can be creepy...but she was so cute! 

We didn't really go trick or treating.  We just went to see all the grandparents.  She had a great time handing out candy at Grandma and Grandpa Darlings house!  I thought she might be too shy or scared of all the people but she loved it! 

Now it's on to my two favorite holiday's! 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

What's Caitlyn Doing Now

  • She can now gallop. And as she's galloping through the house she's repeating it over and over again!

  • During car rides she points things out. And she'll keep repeating whatever she's seen until you repeat what  she's said. She wants to make sure that you've understood exactly what she said. Her favorites at the moment are yellow school buses, big trucks, airplanes and slides when she sees a park.

  • She can correctly identify the colors yellow, blue, purple, pink and sometimes green.  She calls orange, pumpkin.  

  • She can pull up and down her pullup and pants to go to the bathroom.

  • She also likes to empty her potty in the toilet and rinse it out in the sink and put it back. I then have to go around and clean up the mess she leaves behind. But this makes her so proud I can't tell her no.

  • She's staying dry in her pullup 85% of the time.

  • She can also put her pants on from being off.  Can't quite put her shirt on by herself yet.

  • She is learning to put on her socks...she's been able to put most of her shoes on for awhile now.

  • She loves helping feed and give water to Zues. She also loves giving him his treat for going in his kennel.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Vaction Trips Part 2

We (Jared, Me & Tony) left for Atlanta on September 29th. We worked half days that Wednesday. Caitlyn stayed with Aunt Bethy and Uncle Josh for a couple of days and then with Grandpa and Grandma Darling for the 2nd half of our trip. She did great...I keep telling people I don't think she missed us at all! So we flew to Atlanta Wednesday night for Festivus Kimmie 2010 aka Kimmie's 30th birthday celebration! From the airport we went out for dinner and drinks at a place called Taco Mac. Yummy and strong Margarita's! Our first night there Christy had a little...mishap. She doesn't remember what happened but Kimmie found her outside bleeding all over the place. We thought we might have to take her to the ER for stitches. She banged up her face pretty badly. So much so she felt like she had to hide from the camera the rest of the weekend.  Thursday morning we went to Charming Charlies...the best accessories store ever! I was so overwhelmed. I probably could have spent all day there and spent way more money than I actually did. At one point I think I had 6 or 7 purses on my arm. It was hard putting some of them back. But I did. Jared may have killed me had I not! Thursday afternoon we went to the outlet mall...always lots of fun! Did some shopping for Caitlyn here. Thursday night we went to a Cuban restaurant (can't remember the name off hand). It was good food. But us girls were still pretty hung over from the night before. So we didn't stay out late and didn't drink a whole lot. Friday we left for Savannah...let Festivus Kimmie 2010 begin! Savannah is so beautiful and so much fun. You can take your drinks with you while you walk outside. The riverwalk has tons of fun shops and great food! There was good music playing Friday night. Saturday night we did the haunted pub crawl which just wasn't as fun as the first time. Better not to try and relive old memories. We had great food where ever we went.  In Savannah each restaurant had a creamy crap soup that was to die for!  Overall we just had so much fun! Sunday we drove back to Atlanta and went to an Italian retaurant for Kimmie's actual birthday dinner.  This was the only time we actually ordered dessert...chocolate cake...yummy!  Monday we flew home. I missed Caitlyn so much while we were gone...and while I had fun...was glad to be home with my little girl again!

The Birthday Girl

The Birthday Bitch's Entourage!