I am thankful for....
- My senses. To be able to feel, taste, hear, see and touch when so many can't do one or many of these things.
- Our dog...Zeus. He may be annoying but he teaches me patience and is so loving and forgiving.
- Our home.
- Caitlyn's daycare providers.
- Having my Jeep paid off this year!
- Being able to refinance our house with half the interest rate and half the time!
- My online friends who have gotten me through some rough times over the past 5 years. It's awesome to have girls to talk with about things that they understand when it seems no one else does.
- My real life friends who also listen to me when I need it and keep me occupied (take me out drinking) when I need distracted!
- My Faith.
- Pedicures with my sister.
- Our Freedom in America
- Our armed forces who help us keep our freedom.
- My job.
- Jared's work and that his work has still been plentiful this year.
- All of our extended family.
- The 2 vacations that we took this year.
- Modern medicine because without that we wouldn't have Caitlyn and wouldn't be trying for a brother or sister for Caitlyn.
- Sports that both Jared and I enjoy talking about and watching together.
- My marriage and feeling safe and secure in our relationship.
- My education
- Caitlyn's opportunities for education
- Season changes. Waiting for snow now so Caitlyn can go out and really experience it!
- My dad who did a great job raising 3 kids on his own!
- The love of cooking & baking.
- The love of hosting parties.
- Working electricity...enjoying our Christmas tree & Christmas music on my ipod this morning because of this awesome invention.
- Holiday's and time with family that we don't always have.
- My sister who gets me. And has the same likes and hobbies as me so we can spend so much quality time together.
- Jared. For being an awesome husband who brings me back to earth and keeps me in check.
- Caitlyn. For being the best daughter a mother could ask for. Words can't describe how thankful I am for the gifts she brings me everyday!