Sunday, July 20, 2008

32 Week Appt

32 Week Appt

My appt last week went really well. Dr. says everything looks good. Weight is good. I gained more than I thought again this month. I really have to just stop looking at the scale when I go in. It's so nerve wracking. Jared and I have a plan to help me lose the weight after baby I have to stop stressing about the weight I'm gaining before she comes. And I have to keep reminding myself of this! ;0) My blood pressure is good. Baby is measuring average to big...not exactly sure what that means. Heartbeat sounded wonderful! Jared mentioned that I was worried that she's still in a breech position so the Dr. was trying to see if he could feel what position she was in. Of course all he could tell me is that she's not sideways, but he couldn't really tell if she was head down or breech. And he was pushing so hard on my tummy that it was sore the rest of the night. We've now graduated to every 2 week appts and we get a 3D u/s at our next appt! We are very excited about this!

Jared and I painted the nursery 2 weekends ago. I LOVE the color. Now we just need to finish up some of the smaller details. We found some butterfly and flower stencils to paint on the walls. We also want to spell her name in wood letters and hang those over her crib. So it's still a work in progress. I want to wait until it's all finished before I post pictures. Jared also totally rebuilt the closet in her room. It's much more spacious and I LOVE it!

Not much else going on with baby at the moment. My shower is in 1 week....I can't wait!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

30 Week Pic

You'll have to excuse the pj's! I also took a bare belly pic...but I'm not brave enough to post that one.

30 Week Update

Today is the first day that I've noticed my feet swelling. My fingers have been swelling because of the heat for awhile now. Had to take my ring off about a month ago and haven't put it back on since. I was too afraid of it getting stuck and having to have it cut off. I thought maybe I'd get lucky and my feet wouldn't swell....but they've started. I'm trying really hard to drink more water...but I'm so tired of drinking all water! It makes it hard! I still have ankles - so that's the positive in all this!

Zeus (our miniature dachshund) is acting pretty funny. He is usually glued to my side and a cuddle monster with me whenever I'm home. But lately he doesn't want much to do with me and is much more attached to Jared. I know dogs can sense when things are changing or are going to change. Most pregnant women I've talked to with dogs say theirs got more protective of them when they started to sense something was up - as in being pregnant. Not my dog. He's mad at me. Doesn't he know I'm hormonal and this makes me sad? Of course he still sleeps on me at night. It doesn't matter how many times I move him off of me...he moves back. I'm already so hot...I can't stand him laying on me. Ugh.

Speaking of hormones....everything makes me cry lately. TV shows, Movies, small stupid fights with Jared, the dog, songs on the radio...I could go on and on. It's been worse than it has the entire pregnancy. I hope it goes away soon!

We're keeping pretty busy on the weekends...this makes the time go fast! Only 10 weeks to go...can you believe it???